Topics in The Design of Play and Game Design.

Click here to view the Fall 2010 Schedule for presentations

Each student is asssignmed a single topic to research and demonstrate. From the syllabus:

"Each student will be responsible for collecting information on a specific topic of ludology (e.g. educational game design, business game theory, etc). The student will create a brief demonstration of a game (video, photo, screenshot) that best exemplifies the game design theory and argue its merits as an exemplary model. The design topic case study is an individual in class presentation of no more than 10 minutes (average 5-7 minutes). Each student will have a specific date on which to present their design brief. "

Please reviwe the calendar posted in class and posted on this website to be sure you are prepared. Please keep in mind that this research may inform your final project, as either an innovative game design or an interesting academic research paper.

These are the approved topics:

last updated: 8/22/10