Due Dates for IMS222 Web and Interaction Design
last revised 1/28/2011

February 10, 2011: Assignment 1 Due Pitch (example assignment): In-class presentation of site ideas. This is 5% of your grade. This presentation should be 2 minutes or less. Get right to the point and let us give you feedback. Any student who would like to present early (2/8/2011) is invited to. They will recieve feedback sooner and get a head start on their design project. This data was changed to support visits to MU career fair/ICE.

February 17, 2011: Assignment 2 Comps/Image mockups (example assignment)– “PechaKucha” Style (20x20 format, 2 minutes or less). Images of your site design. This is 5% of your grade. We will review these in class to provide feedback on ways to improve the design.

March 1, 2011: Midterm project due - First complete website design. This is 25% of your grade. You will present your design in the same 20x20 format (2 minutes or less), but you will ALSO burn your website to a CD. I will take the CD’s home for review.

March 3&10th– Spring Break – no classes

March 29th: Present “Final Draft” of Website 2 – show wireframes, comps, any and research. This is 10% of your grade. Presentation cannot exceed 5 minutes.

April 26th: Final Project due (beta) – working site with very few problems (if any). This is worth 30% of your grade.

May 5th: Final version of site due at the start of final exam period. This is worth 10% of your grade.  After getting feedback from April 26th session, you may revise your website to improve your final grade.

What is Pecha Kucha Style?