| Title | Course Name | Quarter and Year | Formats available | Description |
 | Interaction Design Syllabus (Fall 2010) | | MU IMS2 | | PDF | Course policies, schedule, and assignments |
 | Midterm Project Grading Checklist | Interaction Design | MU IMS2 | | PDF | This is a sort of rubric, if you can mark all the items as present, you have an a (for the most part) |
 | Grading Checklist | Interaction Design | MU IMS2 | | PDF | A general checklist to understand how your final project will be graded. This is very similar to the midterm checklist. |
 | IMS222 Web and Interaction Design Syllabus | | MU IMS2 | HTML | PDF | Web and Interaction Design Spring 2011 Syllabus - course requirements, schedule, policy and general expectations |
 | Midterm Project Grading Checklist | Interaction Design | MU IMS2 | | PDF | This is a sort of rubric, if you can mark all the items as present, you have an a (for the most part) |
 | Midterm Rubric | | MU IMS2 | | PDF | A checklist to help you understand how your midterm project will be evaluated |
 | Final Project Grading Guide | Web and Interaction Design | MU IMS2 | | PDF | The basic checklist for grading IMS222 final projects. This will be slightly adjusted for your class, but it should serve as a basic guide. |
 | IMS222 Web and Interaction Design Syllabus | | MU IMS2 | | PDF | Web and Interaction Design Spring 2011 Syllabus - course requirements, schedule, policy and general expectations |
 | Midterm Project Grading Checklist | Interaction Design | MU IMS2 | | PDF | This is a sort of rubric, if you can mark all the items as present, you have an a (for the most part) |
 | Midterm Rubric | | MU IMS2 | | PDF | A checklist to help you understand how your midterm project will be evaluated |
 | Final Project Grading Guide | Web and Interaction Design | MU IMS2 | | PDF | The basic checklist for grading IMS222 final projects. This will be slightly adjusted for your class, but it should serve as a basic guide. |
 | Course Syllabus | Interaction Design | MU IMS2 | | PDF | Schedule, assignment due dates, policies and course description |
 | IMS222 Web and Interaction Design Syllabus | Web and Interaction Design | MU IMS2 | HTML | PDF | Web and Interaction Design Spring 2011 Syllabus - course requirements, schedule, policy and general expectations |
 | Midterm Project Grading Checklist | Web and Interaction Design | MU IMS2 | | PDF | This is a sort of rubric, if you can mark all the items as present, you have an a (for the most part) |
 | Sample Assignment 1 (IMS222) | Web and Interaction Design | MU IMS2 | | PDF | A sample of fairly perfect assignment 1. You can use this as a tempalte if you would like. This is not the only way to do the assigment, and some sections may be lacking if you have a different type of website. This is presentable in 2 minutes. |
 | Sample Assignment 2 (IMS222) | Web and Interaction Design | MU IMS2 | HTML | | A sample of assignment 2, comps (mockups). Notice how there are at least 2 images, one demonstrating a standard page the other showing the exception page. If you plan to employ multiple layouts in the same site you should have a comp for each. |
 | Final Project Grading Checklist | Web and Interaction Design | MU IMS2 | | PDF | The basic checklist for grading IMS222 final projects |