| Title | Course Name | Quarter and Year | Formats available | Description |
 | Syllabus Draft | | MU IMS2 | | PDF | A draft copy of the syllabus for IMS212, The Design of Play |
 | IMS212 Course Packet | The Design of Play | MU IMS2 | HTML | | Link to your required reading for the course. There is no book for the class, just these readings. |
 | Design Summary Example Presentation | | MU IMS2 | | PDF | An example of the design summary assignment for you to use as a guide for the IMS212 Group presentations on September 21, 23 and November 9, 11.. |
 | IMS212 Design of Play - Fall 2011 Syllabus | Design of Play | MU IMS2 | HTML | PDF | The Design of Play, course requirements, schedule and policy |
 | | | MU IMS2 | | PDF | An example of the design summary assignment for you to use as a guide for the IMS212 group design summary presentations on Sept 20 and Nov 11 |
 | IMS212 Design of Play - Spring 2011 Syllabus | The Design of Play | MU IMS2 | | PDF | The Design of Play, course requirements, schedule and policy |
 | Design Summary Example Presentation | The Design of Play | MU IMS2 | HTML | | An example of the design summary assignment for you to use as a guide for the IMS212 Group presentations on Feb 8th, 10th and April 4th and 10th |
 | Game Design Doc Overview | The Design of Play | MU IMS2 | | PDF | More details about grading the GDD midterm project, including requirements, and a basic rubric. |
 | Csikszentmihalyi Flow | Game Design | MU IMS4 | HTML | | Resoruces I provided my IMS212 students about Flow. A quick video and a link to Flow, by Jenova Chen. |
 | Paper Prototyping Overview | Game Design | MU IMS4 | HTML | | This is the paper prototyping overview I provide IMS212 Students. You may find it useful. |
 | Csikszentmihalyi Flow | Game Design | MU IMS4 | HTML | | Resoruces I provided my IMS212 students about Flow. A quick video and a link to Flow, by Jenova Chen. |
 | Paper Prototyping Overview | Game Design | MU IMS4 | HTML | | This is the paper prototyping overview I provide IMS212 Students. You may find it useful. |